• 0405 335 159


  • Tues - Fri: 9:00 - 5:00pm

The Best Eyeliner Tattooing in Melbourne.

Eyeliner Tattoo & Eyebrow Tattoo | Blog

Everything you need to know in the one place.

What is this eyeliner tattoo?

What is this eyeliner tattoo? I hate tattoos... well I am here to tell you, this is no ordinary tattoo, this will change your life, no matter your age, (as the technique differs for age).

Eyeliner Tattooing Before and After Photos

Everything you want to know about Eyeliner Tattooing, Before and After Photos, the Process the aftercare... from Rachael Bebe with 16 years experience performing the procedure.

9/10 Ladies Want the Same Thing..What is it?

Still unsure about having your brows Microbladed, read the brief, she was delighted.

Hello 5 Minute Microblading

See Microblading performed in just 5 min . Meet Rachael, see the design, drawing and Microblading in just 5 mins, you will be surprised how simple the procedure is (when there is experience involved it helps lol)

Cosmetic Tattooing and Troubleshooting the Most Common Concerns 2020

Cosmetic Tattooing and Troubleshooting the Most Common Concerns 2020

Hi – I’m Rachael Bebe. I’ve been tattooing lips, eyeliner and eyebrows for 15 years. I’m a qualified trainer, assessor and am always improving my skills through international training. Today I’m going to be taking you through the

Should i have Microblading done overseas?

Overseas tattooing ,why does it last longer and much cheaper? Great question and one with really simple answers. A. There are different regulations here in Australia to a lot of the Asian countries tattooing. B. Definitely hygiene plays

The Ultimate Checklist to Finding the Right Artist For You in 2020

So you have decided that cosmetic tattooing is the answer for you... But how do you find someone who will listen to you? Or... maybe you  haven't even decided, this checklist will help you know once and for all. Your welcome lol

2020 How to draw perfectly draw eyebrows (for any face)

Ever wondered exactly how and  where you eyebrows should be??? Practise this for a while, then when you decide you don't want to draw them anymore, and you would love them even more perfect and natural looking...I can Microblade them for you.

What is the Cost of Microblading in 2020?

What is the Cost of Microblading in 2020?

How do the artists work out their charging prices for Microblading.. and is it fair?

OMG Lip Tattooing FAQ

Lip Tattooing... the new solution and how it works, be educated.

Pain Free Cosmetic Tattooing

“I’d love Permanent Makeup but I need to psych myself up because I’m chicken and scared of pain!” I hear this a lot at the enquiry stage, and I’m a total chicken too! So I made the conscious

ATTENTION: A Thing You Need to Know About Microblading

ATTENTION: A Thing You Need to Know About Microblading

A female colleague of mine, who was training in the industry, contacted me yesterday in a quite distressed manner. 

Something quite unknown, but pretty amazing! Cosmetic lip tattooing.

Lip tint, colour, permanent makeup, or tattooing... these are some treatment that I'm going to tell you all about today. This is my favourite procedure that I perform! The outcome is brilliant, the results are stunning and sooo natural (or if you'd

How Microblading can change your Life...Subtly

What happens in a Microblading Procedure??? See here..no editing to create a beautiful shape and colour

Full Lip Tattooing.. Bringing back Your Perfect Pout in your 40's+

Full Lip Tattooing.. Bringing back Your Perfect Pout in your 40's+

Im Telling you... This is just the most beautiful way to subtly bring back that old lip shape you had, with the similar colour or a different colour. Imagine, perfectly fuller lips with a permanant lip tint lasting 2-3 years... Im in love

Was your Cosmetic Tattooist there?

This was the 1st Ever Cosmetic Tattooing Conference in Australia, we were introduced to it 30 years ago. It was huge, there were leaders from all over the world, the advanced training was phenomenal. 

Instyle.. Informative Microblading Article

Brilliant article, even i enjoyed the read by Instyle.

So what is Rachael's story

Meet Rachael and hear her story... is she the tattooist for you?

Microblading...My Story

Back in 2003 i decided to learn this newish thing called Cosmetic Tattooing, (back then the course was still 4 days, except i flew the trainer to Melbourne to teach me), after all, I always like to do new things.... Well little did i know this course pathed my future for my work and my passion/hobby all in one.

13 Facts About Cosmetic Tattooing Not Talked About 2020

There's so much information online about the brilliant anti-ageing/beauty hack, but there are still a few things you probably aren't aware of! This is not like a normal tattoo. Your Microblading or cosmetic tattooing is not permanent. You

It finally happened, but cosmetic tattoing saved my weekend!

I spent Easter in Sydney with my fashionable, beautiful, sexy and kind 25 year old daughter. (I was asking for trouble being in her company wasn’t I?) Keep reading this story does a spin. I felt old –

Let Me Clear up Confusion About Eyebrow Tattooing in 2020….

What is “Hair Stroke/Feathered/Embroidered Brows”? Hair Stroke/Feathered Brows/Embroidered Brows are all the same thing. Hair stroke / Feathered and Embroidered Brows. Depending on who you talk to and where they had their Cosmetic Tattooing/Semi Permanent Makeup/Permanent Makeup done

Want new lips without plumping?

Sick and tired of tiny, little, pale pink lips? Thought about having fillers injected into your lips but worried about the result, the money and the ongoing cost? What happens if they are too big and you're stuck

Am i really entitled to Microblading or Cosmetic Tattooing?

Do you constantly put other people and things first before treating yourself? I think this is a natural trait of women and mothers. What we don’t realise is that this is at the detriment of our own wellbeing.

Why do I need an artist experienced in Microblading (my cousins wifes work is amazing)?

Unfortunately the world I live in with microblading and cosmetic tattooing is just tarnished with bad photos of poor work. Please note, in all fairness new artisits  do need to start somewhere, but I personally am wasting so

Eyeliner Tattooing..Tell me More 2020

So you are ageing, can't walk out the door without your makeup on, or at least mascara. Ha... the eyeliner just makes your eyes pop, having them framed all the time really is very pretty and a game changer.

Eyebrow Tattooing What all The Hype is About 2020

Powder Brows, Ombre Brows its all the Hype, tell me more.